In my work, a special place is occupied by porcelain. Feeling my own character in it, I have no goal to subordinate it to myself, I try to find a compromise between what I want to say as an author and how this material would like to express yourself.
I want to use the properties of this material — whiteness, strength, transparency — in unusual forms, direct, with living character. I often take the details of objects and factures taken from real things, plants, and combine them so that the work turns out to be a bit paradoxical, strange. I am attracted by such a synthesis — a reality-replicating surface with an unrecognizable shape.
I love biscuit porcelain, that is not decorated with glazes, and usually combine different techniques — casting into gypsum molds, hand molding.
→ 1992 — 1996 Moscow Humanitarian University
→ 2013 — 2015 Moscow School of Porcelain
→ 2020 advanced training course "Artistic ceramics" in MGKhPA named after Stroganov
Selected exhibition projects
→ 2022, 2021, 2020 Tryn*Trava, Moscow
→ 2022 Cluster London (digital member), London
→ 2019 New craft, Perm
Biennials, fairs
→ 2022 Art House, Winzavod, Moscow
→ 2021 Dialogue of Cultures, House of Porcelain, Moscow
→ 2021 Art Russia Fair, Gostiny Dvor, Moscow
→ 2018 Invented and Made in Russia, DPI Museum, Moscow
→ 2018 16th Architecture Biennale in Venice as part of the Seasons team
→ 2021 Vetki Residence, Art Hotel White Alley, Moscow
In ceramics I explore what I can not afford to do in porcelain, mostly this is a large volume, or when you want the brightness of colors, a special texture. Like any clay, it is infinitely variable and ready to embody any idea.